Teddybear is a JS/TS suite of useful cryptographic utilities shipped as a single ESM/CJS-compatible package.

Out-of-the-box, Teddybear supports Ed25519 and X25519 key operations (JWS signing/verification, JWE encryption), did:key and did:web document resolving, W3C credential issuing/presentation/verification, and C2PA embedding/verification.

Ed25519 usage example:

import {
} from "@vaultie/teddybear";

// Private Ed25519 keys can be generated from CSPRNG or
// restored from existing raw key bytes.
const privateKey = PrivateEd25519.generate();

// You can export various different keys in multiple formats.
// Be aware, that all Teddybear private keys don't contain
// the associated DID document identifier or controller.
const ed25519Bytes = privateKey.toBytes();
const publicJwk = privateKey.toPublicJWK();
const privateJwk = privateKey.toPrivateJWK();
const didKey = privateKey.toDIDKey();

// You can convert private Ed25519 keys to public Ed25519 keys
// by providing the related DID document identifier and controller.
const publicKey = privateKey.toPublicKey("did:web:example.com", "did:web:example.com");

// It is possible to convert a private Ed25519 key into a private
// X25519 key.
const x25519 = privateKey.toX25519PrivateKey();

// Private Ed25519 keys can be used to sign JWS, ...
const jws = privateKey.signJWS("testvalue");

// ...issue verifiable credentials, ...
const contextLoader = new ContextLoader();
const verifiableCredential = await key.issueVC(
    "@context": ["https://www.w3.org/ns/credentials/v2"],
    type: ["VerifiableCredential"],
    id: "https://example.com/test",
    issuer: "did:web:example.com",
    issuanceDate: new Date().toISOString(),
    credentialSubject: {}

// ...present them, ...
const vp = await key.presentVP(
    "@context": ["https://www.w3.org/ns/credentials/v2"],
    type: ["VerifiablePresentation"],
    holder: "did:web:example.com",

// ...and embed signed C2PA manifests into files
const { signedPayload } = new C2PABuilder()
    title: "Test Image",
    assertions: [
        label: "stds.schema-org.CreativeWork",
        data: {
          "@context": "http://schema.org/",
          "@type": "CreativeWork",
          url: "https://example.com",
        kind: "Json",
    new Uint8Array(certificate),
    new Uint8Array(image),

// Resolve a DID document. This is essentially an entrypoint
// to almost all Teddybear operations.
const document = await Document.resolve("did:web:example.com");

// Resolved DID document may contain multiple keys with different
// algorithms within it, so usually you would select one based on
// key types, operation requirements, etc.
const vm = document.verificationMethods().authentication?.[0]!;
const resolvedKey = document.getEd25519VerificationMethod(vm);

// Public Ed25519 keys can be used to verify JWS signatures
const { jwk, payload } = verifyJWS(jws);

X25519 usage example:

import {
} from "@vaultie/teddybear";

const document = await Document.resolve("did:web:example.com");

const vm = document.verificationMethods().keyAgreement?.[0]!;
const resolvedKey = document.getX25519VerificationMethod(vm);

// X25519 public keys can be used to encrypt data for multiple recipients
// using JWE format. You can pass all recipient keys as an array.
// To encrypt with XChaCha20-Poly1305 use "encryptChaCha20" instead.
const encrypted = encryptAES(value, [resolvedKey]);